Since we have launched our book, we have been tweeting about truth under the name #TruthTeaser. You can see them all on twitter, but we wanted to share them on the blog as well. These 30 ideas are short but have a lot of kick to them. We have tried to sythesize many of the biggest most critical ideas in the book into these short tweets. We pray that they are helpful in your truth journey.
- Your assumptions about truth are like glasses that affect everything you see.
- Some people spend their lives adding truth and subtracting untruth.
- Some people see truth as a personal matter. They live on islands with no bridges.
- Some find truth they know and recognize that they are learning the rest in community.
- If you insist that all truth is knowable then experts are essential.
- Many arguments have more to do with your truth lens than the truth itself.
- Personal truth seems freeing but ends in isolation.
- Humility changes how you interact about truth.
- Culture wars rise out of a fear that our understanding of truth is losing influence.
- Personal experience brings new perspectives on the truth we know.
- Tolerance raises love to the highest position at the expense of truth.
- Our understanding of truth directly affects our approach to outreach.
- Math is the language of those who seek to completely understand truth.
- Relationships are the language of those who believe truth is learned in community.
- Faith represents what we know, hope what we’re learning and love how truth is lived out.
- Personal truth is convenient until someone else’s truth collides with mine.
- We experience a great disturbance when our assumptions about truth fall short.
- Many of us make certainty the focus of our truth search when clarity would serve us better.
- When we say “ham sandwich” what do you imagine? What is a true ham sandwich like?
- When objectivity is the goal, the richness of truth is lost.
- On the island of personal truth you are one misstep away from the river of relativism.
- Knowing feels safe, learning feels dangerous. Its easy to settle for some knowledge and give up learning more.
- Living in community creates the opportunity to see truth as a journey
- Every new idea can be seen as a threat, as someone else’s or as a new perspective to discover.
- A picture is an exact image of reality.
- A collage is thousands of ideas about reality.
- A montage is thousands of ideas brought together into a whole.
- Do you view truth as a picture a collage or a montage?
- Your truth lens is a key part of your worldview.
- Your view of truth will impact your faith, relationship and outreach.
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